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What is

Flomotion is a heady mix of relaxation, joy and physical freedom. You’ll be gently immersed in a relaxing and supportive atmosphere with the warm up and stress release.


Then we’ll enter the free dance ‘space’ with a unique, funky and liberating play list.


We’ll then wind down with a guided meditation leaving you soothed and at peace.


Sometimes people prefer to stay at home during the winter months, its cosy isn’t it? Keep your eyes open for our Flomotion Zoom sessions which we’ll announce by email and on our social channels.


A 90-minute session consists of:


  • Warm up and 'Shake' (stress release)

  • Free dance to specially selected dance music

  • Guided meditation and soothing relaxation

Shadow Show
Outdoor Yoga


First Steps

​60-minute class introduction, perfect for beginners.

This is a facilitated dance for those who may think they can’t dance!


Ecstatic Awakening Dance™ sessions

A 90-minute ‘awakening journey’.


1-2-1 Sessions with Julia

Find your flomotion: A safe space to invite you into your moving body.

1-2-1 sessions include tailored exercises to suit you and your body’s needs.

Bespoke Group Sessions

These sessions are specially designed for just your group of family, friends, colleagues.

The Dance of the Therapist

The Dance of the Therapist is a practice to put the body, movement and kinaesthetic experience at the centre of experience and is aimed at therapists only.


Everyone welcome; whatever shape, size, experience, or physical limitation.


1. What is Flomotion?

Essentially it is a dance, with some relaxation and meditation added in.

In recent decades, something has emerged called ‘Conscious Dance’ which is a space where people dance together (offline or online) without taking drugs or alcohol. Flomotion is a version of this designed for people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities, focussed on enjoying the pure enjoyment of dance, in a healthy environment.

In the sessions, attention is drawn to breath and body sensation/experience.  It can be great fun and interactive at times, and at others more internal and feeling-informed. The music is diverse, and the focus is on dancing any way you like.


2. What should I expect at the session?

A warm welcome!  Good music, friendly people, an opportunity to move your body in any way that feels right for you. A healthy environment and a focus on your wellbeing.   A chance to deeply relax.  Fun! 

Sessions are usually 1.5 to 2 hours and involve a wide range of music. There may be a small group of 2-3 people or as many as 100. 


3. Is it only ‘online’ or only in ‘person’?

We have options for both.

We are physically based in London, but our online sessions are available to anyone, anywhere.

There may be more online sessions in the winter, and more in person sessions in the summer.

Our website gives updates on regular sessions and additional workshops.


4. Is socialising involved?

Flomotion is essentially a dance and health  practice.  There is no food, drinks (except  water), or party involved. We don’t talk during the session, though making contact through movement and dance is very much encouraged.

Dance has been used as a way to draw people together for millennia.  In many ways it is the perfect antidote to our times of isolation and loneliness. People come to Flomotion to be immersed in the dance, relaxation and meditation. They do not come just to meet the other people who also attend, although many people find kindred spirits and certainly a sense of community.


5. Do I need to have my camera on in online sessions?

Yes, again this is a participative experience.  Seeing each other dance is an important part of the process. It is a group experience, even on-line.


6. Should I me on ‘mute’?

Yes. You will be invited to share any brief comments at the end. But in general this is not a ‘speaking’ event.


7. Am I allowed to just watch?


No.  Flomotion is participative. It is about dancing your way, with others, not performing or observing/spectating.


8. Am I being watched?


Everyone is encouraged to do their dance and not to focus on watching others. Online, everyone is also encouraged to come in and out of visibility as they prefer, whilst keeping their camera on.


9. Is the facilitator trained and insured?


Yes and yes.  The facilitator is a trained and accredited dance leader, group leader, and therapist, and also has a wider background in music and dance.

If you have any doubts about your own physical capacity or injuries, you need to take responsibility around that by being sensitive to your own needs and taking care of yourself.


10. Do I need to be physically fit or be good at dancing?

No.  There is no right or wrong way to move.  All movement and experience are welcome, whatever your level of physical ability or fitness.  There are times when the music is more upbeat or faster, but you can move at your own pace, and sit down as and when needed.


11. What should I wear?

Anything that’s comfortable and that you can move in.  Dress as for a gym, dance, or yoga session. Some women like to wear a sports bra particularly when we do something called The Shake, which helps to shake off stress in the body.


12. How should I prepare?

Set aside the full amount of time so that you can fully participate.

Try to stop being busy with other things and demands 15-30 minutes before (more if possible) and try to enjoy some deep slow breathing if you can.

If you have time for some stretching and focussing on your body and its energy that will also help.

If you can adopt a curious and open mindset if will help you get the most from the session.   


13. How would I expect to feel afterwards?

Relaxed, calm, connected to others, creative, alive. Maybe even surprised at how the dancing has energised you.


14. How many other people will be there?

Both in person and online sessions vary.  It can be anything from 3 people to 100 people. If you have a preference please let us know.


15. How is dancing online different from dancing in person?

‘In person’ is always likely to feel like a richer experience; you get more of a sense of your own physical presence around the presence of others.  However, lockdown showed us that virtual dancing together can really connect us.


We are innately wired to connect with each other, and the online experience has proved to be surprisingly effective at creating deep connection between people who have never met ‘in person’.



16. What age group is it for?

All ages.  Children and teenagers tend not to be attracted to this sort of experience, but participants ranging from people in their 20s to people in their 90s have all enjoyed the sessions.


17. Can I leave if I don’t like it?

Of course!

Sometimes, even regular flomotion dancers have reported that they have felt too distracted; too full of thoughts to be fully present and have not stayed for the entire session. Everyone is always welcome to come back again.


18. Is there anything I should be aware of afterwards?

You should probably drink extra water.  You may also feel quiet and contained afterwards, you may feel full of life and very creative, you might feel tender and emotional.  And You might feel different each time. And all of these are good outcomes.


19. What can I do if I want to do it again?

Many people enjoy the cumulative benefits of dancing in this way regularly, and so we offer weekly sessions as described above. The benefits deepen over time.


20. Is there a theory or framework behind flomotion?


Humans have danced together for millennia. It is an innate human activity, a people’s art. Dancing is part of ceremony, ritual, religion, entertainment, culture, folklore, military, sport, gymnastics, and family celebrations in many cultures.   

So it has many many sources.

At flomotion we draw upon several conscious dance practices such as: 5 Rhythms, Ecstatic Awakening Dance, and Open Floor.

We also draw upon world music, house, funk, reggae, soul, classical, and all forms of dance music as well as meditation and relaxation techniques.


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