Reclaim your Love of Life through the Magic of Dance.
For everyone, everywhere.
The Dance of the Therapist
an embodied practice for therapists
Service Description
In our times of Covid 19, much of our therapy work is conducted online. It is remote rather than intimate. It can distort our work. A bias towards ‘verbalisation’ and ‘content’ rather than nuance and non-verbal signals. Subtle body communication can be missed. Awareness of processes that are being held in the body can be overlooked. As a practising therapist and a dance leader I offer an antidote to this remoteness. One that helps therapists reconnect with embodied presence. The Dance of the Therapist is focussed on the body and kinaesthetic experience. We immerse ourselves in spontaneous movement. We follow our bodies and the music dances us. We become fully present and let go of stress held in our bodies. We connect deeply with others. The Dance of the Therapist is a CPD activity to... Develop greater presence through embodiment Engage whole body awareness Have fun, relax, connect with others, share ideas Things to have handy: water, a candle, an eye mask (if you have one), note pad and pen, blue tooth speaker. Read more at
Upcoming Sessions
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