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I Can't Dance

Writer's picture: julia7631julia7631

Can't dance main image

Guest blog post by David Cohen

Recently, Julia wrote a blog piece about the Inner Dance, a part of every Flomotion session, where we close our eyes and ‘dance like there’s no-one watching’. Julia said: “All too often people say ‘I can’t dance, I’m no good at dancing,’ and so on.”

It’s perfectly normal

This ‘I can't dance’ mantra also has parallels with singing. Many people will think that everyone else is better than them, or even that they are not ‘dancers’ (or not singers, if singing in a choir).

What’s going on?

Some may be nervous or lacking confidence, and may not know any ‘moves’. This is one of the reasons why, at the start of a Flomotion session, Julia says: “There are no right or wrong moves.”

On the face of it, a combination of nerves and lack of confidence (or experience) could result in disaster – everyone standing on the spot, or bumping into each other. And yet, the assembled attendees always end up making a wonderful session together, especially those parts where we come and dance together as one.

How is this possible? This is what may be happening:

There is no concept of perfection 

We are dancing in our own way, straight away from the off, we just let go of the idea that we will be perfect and our steps will be error free. The result is that people’s inner critic doesn’t get in the way, freeing them up to be perfect after all!

Attitude of the host

If the person guiding the dance behaves as if the moves are easy, that will carry over to the dancers. “If she thinks it’s easy, it must be.”

Swept along by the enthusiasm of others

There will always be a reasonable number of experienced dancers. This will give confidence to any new dancers present. I for one am always looking around the room for ideas and inspiration about dance moves from others.

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Not enough time to worry

Again, because we are dancing straightaway, there is no time to really think and worry, unlike with choirs that meet weekly. Some sounds we dance to can have some familiar dance patterns, and these can easily be picked up as you come along to more sessions. But, again, there are no ‘right or wrong’ moves.

The proof is in the room

The sessions start out with introductory tracks, giving one a chance to ease into whatever steps you want, or just to literally sway, or stretch. And before you know it, the whole room is soon dancing in a kind of unity. People then have this practical experience of dancing together and can no longer think they aren’t ‘dancers’.

Can't Dance

It’s very relaxed, and by maintaining a sense of fun, it’s amazing how people can groove on the dance floor, really get into a flow, and tune into their bodies.

‘I can dance.’ Yes!

Flomotion Invitation

This is an invitation, a challenge even, to anyone who thinks they can't dance. Come and surprise yourself; see how a group of warm and welcoming people can help you find your natural rhythms.


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